Recently I purchased BSNL NIC card for my browsing needs. The modem BSNL uses is Huwaei EC325. Along with the device they provide drivers in a Mini CD. The driver is for WIndows… not for Linux. Since I using Linux for my computing needs, I have to find a way to Configure it in MINT.
The configuration steps:
1 Let us start by Installing ‘wvdial’. ‘wvdial’ is a intelligent PPP(Point-to-Point Protocol) dialer. In simple, it dials a modem and starts PPP in order to connect to the Internet. Just type the following command in your terminal (Use apt-cdrom, because the net is not configured yet)
sudo aptitude install wvdial gnome-ppp |
2 Setup the ‘wvdial’. Edit the wvdial configuration file, which reside in /etc/ folder. You can use any editor for editing the configuration file. I used ’emacs’ editor. The Configuration file looks like…
harish@hbm ~ $ sudo emacs -nw /etc/wvdial.conf [Dialer Defaults] Init1 = ATZ Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 Stupid Mode = 1 Modem Type = USB Modem ISDN = 0 Phone = #777 New PPPD = yes Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0 Username = Your BSNL username here Password = Your BSNL Password Baud = 460800 |
Note :The username and the paswword is your BSNL WLL number
Then Save the File.
3.Finally run the following command in a terminal. You can write a shell script and place it in ‘.bashrc’ file for automatic start up
sudo wvdial |
4 Open the browser and visit the site to check it is working.
The configuration file ‘wvdial’ must be running in the command line.
This is simple way to connect the BSNL modem… Actually Mint automatically detects the Huwawei Modem, and it also provides GUI for configuration, but unfortunately it was not working for me.